Mindfulness is an invaluable tool which supports the well-being and performance of employees and organizations. Google identified Psychological Safety as the key determinant of high performing teams and mindfulness as the cornerstone of psychological safety. Simply put, mindfulness is,
"paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally" and, “with an attitude of curiosity and kindness”. Mindfulness builds focus, creativity, self-awareness, resilience, compassion and empathy.
Along with the pandemic came a series of stressors that have impacted workers and businesses, and so we have worked with physicians and other healthcare sector workers to help foster resilience, self-kindness and self-compassion. And, now as we move into a new phase, mindfulness helps deal with anxiety, change, uncertainty.
Our President, Bryan Burns is a Certified Teacher of the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, or SIYLI. SIYLI was born at Google and the curriculum is grounded in Neuroscience.
If this sounds of interest to you, give me a ring and we can help you take the first steps toward a healthier and happier workforce.
888-HRO-CORE or email bryan@hrocore.com